The Treasure Box of Memories

Distant images of distant buildings
Encapsulate a part of me...distantly forgotten!

Cities are like boxes...
Inside of cities lay
        my thoughts,
        my dreams,
        my emotions,
        my drifting senses and ever-changing perspectives
        are all nestled inside this city box.

Deep Burgundy Wooden Box

These elements of who I am
smell something of sweet biscuits
rolled into chocolate;
sometimes they smell of bitter smog
black, choaky and unbearable;
sometimes they smell like the
pure, salty humid air.

My memories smell like the sweet juicy ripe yellow mangoes,
or seed watermelons with crows cawing in the background.
My memories smell of old, yellowed photos;
faded, grainy and unreachable.

These memories live in the box.
and when I close the box,
there is still a brilliant new
moment to live.
A glorious vision of the rising sun
over the mountains of butterflies still to

Today, the magic answers to my touch.
Today, the murmuring streams find their way
into the essence of who I am.
The treasure box stores my memories
So that I can go on living.

- Sophia Ojha Ensslin

Sophia Ojha

Web Design Services + ConvertKit Services + Biz Coaching for Web Designers + Weekly Blog & Video Tutorials

I (Sophia Ojha) am web designer and coach to web designers based in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. I love to design websites for my clients via my Website-In-A-Day package or my Website-In-Two-Weeks package. I publish a weekly free newsletter called the Abundant Creative which includes blog articles and video tutorials on using Squarespace, ConvertKit and other online tools for online businesses. Also, I love teaching these platforms one-to-one to clients who can hire me for an hour for a quick crash-course on Squarespace or ConvertKit. I am also the founder of Millionaire Web Designer, a 12-month group coaching program that helps web designers build a successful and spacious web design business.

To ask me about any of these, drop me a line via: Contact page.
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Feline Sleeping


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